The Crunchy Poser

trying to live, and eat, purely

Category: Motherhood

Busy Days

Hello there. I realized today I haven’t done a legit, informational, or recipe blog in a while.

I apologize for that. For some strange reason the last two weeks have been a whirlwind of busyness. Friends, activities, obligations and chores all seem to have conspired to pull at me. I’m not complaining though. I’ve enjoyed myself. I just realized that as the days get longer and warmer, blogging will be much harder to commit to. I have still been doing tons of research and cooking but also lots more playing with my love and relaxing a bit.

I’ll be much more inclined to blog something worth your while after me and the husband have watched Andrew Bird and gotten through our bought of craziness.

Until then, here are som pictures of my little love. She is getting so big and wants desperately to talk to us!

Don’t forget to send me an email at if you want to be a part of the sugar detox!


Today has been rough.

Today I lost a little clarity.

I was getting ready to go to the gym and as I walked out of my bedroom, Madi begins to whine. She was fine before she saw me. But now she wants…something. Something that makes her mad when I don’t understand what it is.

Then I look around our house. There are toys everywhere. Dishes are piled up. Our laundry basket is overflowing and all of the clean laundry sits on top of the dryer where it has lain for days. And we have company coming tonight. I kind of lost it. I sat down in the middle of the floor and started crying. I was mad. And sad.

I felt like I was failing. I’m a stay at home mom. Shouldn’t I be able to do something as simple as keep a gleaming house and spout sunshine all day long?

From there my self pity just grew.

Why was Madi so happy and calm for Mark all the time? Why was everyone else having more babies, buying a house and paying off debt. Why do others have everything handed to them? Why?

Oh I was all about some self pity.

Then I remembered something I pinned a while ago.

It’s so true. Comparison, greed, envy…they all make you blind. You lose clarity. You forget what is important. “The grass is always greener” thinking will always always leave you dissatisfied.

I forgot about my wonderful husband who would do anything I asked him.

I forgot about God, who loves me all the time, even when I’m mad at him or not loving him.

I forgot that we have a roof, clothes and food.

My life is not glamorous. I will not be moving to the rain forest next week. If you visit my house right now it will probably not be clean.

I do have a home full of love though, a little bean that depends on me, and a man who does right by me even when I’m a mess. And that is pretty good.